The Centre for Community Resources was established in 2009 by six young idealist people wishing to help the physically impaired and theThe Center for Community Resources was founded in 2009 by six young idealists who want to help physically impaired and less fortunate people through projects and volunteering in the fields of social work, education, interculturalism and ecology.
The association has carried out two youth exchange projects and one training - all with financial support from the European Commission's Youth in Action program. The Center for Community Resources was a partner in a youth exchange project in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, its members participated in international training programs in youth and social work and engaged in community work.
A first project was implemented in 2010. The project R20;A big stage for many small people" in partnership with the association TransRiver from Germany gave a group of 24 young people from Romania and Germany the opportunity to express their personality, ideas, concerns and artistic perspective through scene plays.
Between June 26 and July 2, the Center carried out the project R20;Meet Different Cultures for Mutual Benefit" in Romania, in partnership with Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein from Germany and Ajuntamento de Pilas from Spain.
The project continued on the basis of the same partnership in Germany between December 28 and January 5, 2012, through the participation of young people and the project team in activities organized by our partners from the project R20;Different Cultures - Same Problems - Youth Unemployment in Comparison, also funded by the European Commission through the Youth in Action program. The project aimed to raise awareness of the benefits of volunteering (contacts with young people from other cultures) and teamwork for their personal and professional development, as well as for the development of society in general. The project targeted 29 disadvantaged young people between the ages of 16 and 26 living in rural areas of the three participating countries.
From August 21 to 28, 2011, our association actively coordinated the activities of the project R20;C.A.R.E. close, aware, responsible, engaged together", which was also funded by the European Commission under the Youth in Action program, action 3.1.b. Network building. Collaboration with EU Neighbors. The project took place in partnership with fourteen countries (seven from the European Union and seven from outside, namely Albania, Armenia, Estonia, France, Georgia, Greece, FYR of Macedonia, Republic of Molodova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine) and included a training on volunteering addressed to 34 participants.
Following the Labyrintheme project (implemented by the University of Bucharest, Romania, Balikesir University, Turkey, Manchester Museum, United Kingdom, and three adult education providers - BIVEDA, Bulgaria, ONAGEB.SPAIN, Spain, Epsilon III Association, Romania - with the support of the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning/Grundtvig program) - a project that aims to develop the attractiveness of museums and other institutions responsible for the management of historical and cultural heritage as spaces of learning and intercultural dialog, and to promote greater involvement of the public and the community in which they are located through alternative methods of participatory art, in particular participatory scene play. As part of its pedagogical approach, in January 2013 the Association organized a workshop dedicated to the concept of labyrinth scene plays, which ended with a sensory poetry show at the Samsara Tea House in Cluj-Napoca and with two labyrinth scene plays at the Ethnographic Museum in Cluj-Napoca.
Between 20.11.2012 and 20.01.2013, the Center was a partner of the project R20;Giving from the Heart" of Cluj Prefecture, Vlădeasa Technological High School in Huedin and Huedin City Hall. The project was aimed at the children cared for in the Oncological Institute Ioan Chiricută Cluj, in the Municipal Hospital of Huedin and in the Psychiatric Hospital for Children of Cluj, for whom we organized a show play with Christmas traditions, connected with a collection of donations for the children.
In December 2012, with the help of photographer Edmund Kreibik, the Center initiated a fundraising for the less fortunate community of Pata Rât, Cluj Napoca R20;People from the margins of society".