Interpretation of Law 189/2000
Law no.189/2000 that stipulates the persons persecuted by the Romanian regimes from the 6th of September 1940 to the 6th of March on ethnic grounds will be granted the following rights:
All Romanian citizens, who during the regimes from 6th September till 6th March 1945 were persecuted on ethnic grounds, will benefit from the provisions of the present ordinance as follows:
- They were deported into ghettos and concentration camps abroad;
- They were deprived of liberty in detention places or concentration camps;
- They were refugees, deported or banished to another place;
- They belonged to troops of forced labor;
- They survived the “death train”;
- They were married to a person murdered or executed on ethnic grounds or killed during massacres against minority groups – if they did not get married afterwards;
- They were evicted from their home they owned legally.
Persons who were in situations provided by a) - d) and g) are entitled to a monthly compensation of 100 lei for each year spent as being deported, imprisoned, banished to other places, evicted from their own homes or used as forced labor.
Persons who were in situations provided by e) and f) are entitled to a monthly compensation of 100 lei.
The surviving spouse of the deceased, belonging to the persons suitable for art. 1 lit. a) - e) and g), if they did not get re-married, will receive a monthly compensation of 100 lei (taxable), beginning with the 1st of the month following the month when the application was submitted.
The normative measure also stipulates the following rights:
- free and priority medical assistance and medication, both in ambulatory and during the treatment in hospital;
- free public urban transport - on means of transport belonging to the state-owned companies(bus, trolleybus, tramway, subway);
- 6 free round trips by train, per year, using the Romanian state railways, 1st class, using the public means of auto transportation or, if it is the case, river transportation, by their own choice; out of the number of ascribed trips, the holder is allowed to grant free trips to somebody else who thus is to offer company and assistance during the journey;
- one free ticket per year for treatment in a balneological resort;
- exemption from TV and radio licence costs;
- priority for the installation of a phone line, as well as the exemption from the subscription;
- allotment, on request, of a free cemetery plot.
The period when the person persecuted on ethnic grounds could not work as an employee because of a 1st or 2nd degree disability - occurred as a consequence of persecution - is to be considered length of service and is taken into consideration for the calculation of pension and all the assigned rights related to the length of service.
Required Documents:
- Formal Request;
- Identity Card – copy and original;
- Birth Certificate - copy and original;
- Marriage Certificate - copy and original;
- Pension slip;
- The decision that stipulates the status of beneficiary of the Law no.189/2000.
In the case of the surviving spouse:
- Birth Certificate - copy and original;
- Marriage Certificate - copy and original;
- Death Certificate (copy and original).
*Cuantumurile menţionate în această secţiune sunt în vigoare cu luna octombrie 2008