File content for the German ghetto pension

File content for the German ghetto pension


1) Envelope

2) Standard form with which the survivor (or widower/widow) applies for an old-age pension for work in the ghetto. On this form the applicant gives very general information about the persecution, the time of deportation, the work regime in Transnistria and after, etc. This is about: Surname, first name, nickname, date and place of birth, address, whether the person has already been recognized as a victim of persecution and whether he/she has already received other compensation, in which ghettos he/she stayed in Transnistria, the period of time, whether the person worked there, what kind of work, whether the person worked and paid social insurance after returning home, etc. There are two types of forms:
- for the survivor (available in Romanian, German, English) and
for the widower/widow (provided they were legally married, also in German and English)

3) An affidavit in Romanian in which the survivor describes in as much detail as possible the conditions in Transnistria, the time spent there, the type of work in Transnistria, how he/she worked, where, the exact time, in which ghettos he/she worked, etc. Conveniently, the affidavit describes in detail what the standard form contained only very briefly. Make sure that the information in the affidavit does not contradict the information provided in the application.

4) Certificate of Life. The form that certifies that the survivor is alive at the time of filing the pension application. This form can be downloaded here.

5) Copies of some civil documents such as: ID card, birth certificate, marriage certificate or death certificate (in case the widower's/widow's pension of a former deported person is needed).

6) Declaration of payment. If the survivor receives this pension, it can be transferred to a bank account. Therefore, applicants must open a personal bank account. The German office staff specifies that the bank data (IBAN, SWIFT code, bank address, etc.) must be provided in an understandable standard form (Zahlungsarklaerung), which can be downloaded here. If you can not get it right, ask the bankers to fill out the form, fill out the IBAN, etc.
7) Proof of Deportation. If you no longer have these documents, request them from the appropriate authorities. Such evidence may be:

7.1. documents from the national central or local archives (in the districts from which they were deported). You can find the contact details of the central and local archives here. If you don't have this document, ask the relevant archive to give you an extract certifying your deportation. A sample of such a request to the archives can be found here. Based on this request, the archives research information about the former deportees and, once they have identified them, they can issue a legalized extract certifying that the person was deported. This certificate (which costs 45 lei, an amount that we, the project representatives, can provide from the project budget) is included in the pension file.

7.2. the decision of the Pension Office granting the survivor the status of beneficiary of Law 189/2000. If you don't have this decision, contact the pension office to which you belong and ask for a duplicate of the decision. This document is free of charge. You can find a sample of such a request form here.

7.3. documents showing that the named survivor has received other compensation in the past, so that he/she was granted the status of a former deportee.
a) Notification from the de la agency "Impreuna" that the said survivor has been found in the German archives and will receive as humanitarian aid the sum of 1000 marks (511 euros). If you don't have this notice anymore (it was mostly sent in 2001), you can contact the agency "Impreuna" and ask them to send you a copy of this notice. Your request must include your name and identification number. The contact details of the agency "Impreuna" are: Tel./Fax:+40-; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

b) Copies of the checks sent by the OIM (International Organization for Migration)/Geneve (1200 euros, etc.)

8) Evidence of length of service: the best document is the notice from the pension insurance company stating the length of service. If you don't have such a document, ask the pension office to give you a copy of the pension certificate.

If you have difficulty obtaining this notice, attach to the application copies of insurance books, work permits, military book, etc., and in the notarized statement provide information about lifetime service, when, how long you worked and paid your social contributions, etc. your social media marketing partner
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Conținutul dosarului și formulare:

-pentru supraviețuitor, formularul ZRBG 100 (fie în română, fie în germană fie în engleză);
-pentru văduv/a, cu condiția de a fi fost căsătoriți legal, formularul ZRBG 500 (fie în română, engleză, fie în germană);
-Lebensbescheinigung (certificat de viața/cetățenie, atestă ca supravieţuitorul este încă în viaţa la momentul depunerii dosarului de pensie);
-Zahlungserklärung (în care sunt introduse datele pentru contul bancar, declarație de plată);
-declaraţie notarială pe proprie răspundere în care este descrisă deportarea (circa 1 pagina). Declarația va fi în romană;
-acte de stare civilă (copii xerox după buletin, certificat de naștere, de căsătorie sau de deces);
-documente care dovedesc deportarea;
-documente care dovedesc vechimea în munca de măcar 3-4 ani în România (decizia Casei de Pensii, cupon de pensie, Carte de muncă, Carnet de asigurări sociale, livret militar, autorizații de muncă etc).